Monday, June 30, 2014

A Non-toxic & Green All-purpose Cleaner That Saves You Money???

      As a wedding gift, my husband and I received a package of several Shaklee items, one of which was Basic H (classic). You can still buy the Classic Basic H, but they have now changed the formulation slightly and also double concentrated it. My new bottle of Basic H2 should be coming next month, but right now I'm using the classic. I'm seriously starting to love this stuff.  I can clean my floors while my baby is crawling around my knees and not worry. I can clean my tub without thinking I'm going to asphyxiate myself if I close the bathroom door. I don't have to worry about the fumes when the boys come into the bathroom to watch me clean. And it works. A crayon made it into the dryer the other day. I know that never happens at your house. This is the second time it's happened. The first time the dryer was brand new. As in, it was the first load of laundry I ran through it. (((sigh))) It was a green crayon that time. After trying every cleaner in my house, the only thing that worked was Goo-Gone. That stuff stinks. Especially when you're crawling halfway inside a gas-chamber the dryer to scrub crayon. This time, I randomly remembered an e-mail a friend sent me that specifically mentioned crayon removal in her note to me. I wonder why she would think that would be of interest to me with three little boys??? The suggestion was supposed to be to remove crayon off your wall. We never have that problem at our house either. I figured, why not try it in the dryer and see what happens? I was blown away. IT WORKED! I'm not saying I didn't have to use some elbow grease to make it happen, but it worked! The only problem was that it cleaned off the rest of the grime in the dryer in the spots that I scrubbed, so that I now have several clean areas in my dryer that make the rest of it look grungy. A mom just can't win sometimes. But here is my clean dryer. 

 Here is a listing of various uses:

Plumbing - Will keep pipes clean & free-running when used regularly to wash hands, pots & pans at sinks.  It emulsifies grease & can eliminate cleaning of grease traps.
Many uses for Basic H:

Window Cleaner – Mix - Only 1 to 3 drops in 16 oz. spray bottle of water. If smearing occurs, mixture too strong – add water to dilute.
General Spray Cleaner – Mix 4-6 drops in 16 oz spray bottle of water. Use all over the house to wipe furniture, chrome, the stove, the refrigerator, vent blinds, and excellent for louvered doors. 
General Spot Remover – Apply Basic-H directly on spotted area. Use a toothbrush or finger to rub into area. Wipe off with a damp cloth or rinse in basin of water. (Removes coffee, ink, grass, etc)
General Cleaning – 1/2 tsp. in qt. of warm water.  Cleans doors, walls, woodwork, appliances, bathroom fixtures & tile.
Basic H2
Insect Repellent for People and Animals – Rub/Apply full strength Basic-H wherever you do not want insects to bite; they won’t bite where Basic-H has been applied. Also relieves itching of insect bites (rub on, full strength). Be careful around eyes, it does sting. If you get some in the eyes just flush with water.
Floors - 1 Tbs. per gallon of water.  Leaves floor shining.  May require rinsing.
Dusting – 1/8 tsp. in pint of water, squeeze sponge almost dry (Or spray on), Wipe off dust, fingerprints, etc.  Dry with clean cloth.  Leaving the wax finish beautifully bright & dust repellent, less dusting required.
Outside Windows – 1/2 tsp. in “Ortho-type” spray applicator full of water.  Makes 2 gallons of solution for windows & screens. Squeegee dry.
Coffee-makers – Dilute 1/8 tsp.  Basic-H in pot of water. Run through cycle & coffee stains will rinse away.
Ironing - 1 drop in steam iron keeps the jets & interior clean.
Wallpaper - Excellent for removing wallpaper.  1/2 Tbs. per gal. of water.  Soak wallpaper with sponge & peel or scrape.
Concrete & Mortar Mix – 1/4 oz. per 1 gallon of water.  Makes cement & mortar spread easier & smoother, set harder.
Pressure Washer – 1/2 oz Basic-H to 20 gallons of water.
Heavy Duty – use 1 oz per gallon of water.  Leaves a luster to mobile homes, homes, RVs & etc.
Humidifiers – Use 1 or 2 drops in humidifier water to help prevent rust & scum.
Knives  1 or 2 drops on cutting stone for sharpening knives. Keep moist & add Basic-H as needed.  Doesn’t clog stone – very important when sharpening tools. Stone rinses free of residue.
Yard Spray to Rid of Fleas - in hose spray bottle, fill with water; add 1 cap-full of Basic-H. Attach to hose & spray yard every 10 days for 3 applications. Use twice a year thereafter to control.  Rinse all plants thoroughly.
Liquid Hand Soap - Mix 1/4 Basic-H to 3/4 water in pump dispenser by sinks.  Will not dry or irritate hands like soaps may.  Will help moisten, soften & protect hands!
Fine Fabrics – Use 1/2 tsp to a basin of lukewarm water to wash woolens, nylon stockings, and all fine fabrics.
Gum – Use full strength to remove gum from skin, hair or carpeting.
Fruits & Vegetables – Use 1/8 tsp. in pint of water wash and rinse.  Removes insecticide residue, dirt and waxes. For lettuce cut head in half and place in cold water with a couple drops of H. It removes the poisons and crisps up the lettuce.
Automotive Uses Washing- vehicle – 1/2 tsp. per gallon of water. Wash small area at a time and hose off.  Wipe windshield, windows and chrome with paper towels after rinsing.  You’ll love the shine!

Battery Terminals - 1/2 tsp. to pint of water and spray on battery terminals and let soak 2 minutes. Clean with wire brush.
Filters – 1 tsp to gallon of water. Soak air filters from motors and watch the dirt float out into the water. Air dry or put on hot engine for faster drying.
Camping Cleaning & Washing - Coat bottoms and sides of pots and pans with Basic-H before placing over campfire.  Black soot just slides right off when you wash.
Fish Odors – 1/2 Tbs. per quart of water.  Basic-H2 works wonders on boats, docks.
Washing RV, Boat & Camper – 1/2 Tbs. per gallon of water.
Crayon - To remove from walls, use full strength.
Spot Remover - Apply directly on spotted area, which has been dampened with water. Use a toothbrush or finger to rub basic-H2 into area.  Wipe with a damp cloth or rinse in basin of water
Upholstery - Mix 1/2 Tbs. to ½ gallon water. Spray on & rub clean.
Septic Tanks – Keeps crust from forming.  For maximum health of septic system use all of Shaklee’s phosphate free cleaning products.  This will do much to promote the growth of needed friendly bacteria.
Houseplants – Water plants with 1 oz. Basic-H to 1 gallon water. 4 drops to 1 pint water can be sprayed on the leaves to make healthier plants and keep dust off.
Fertilizer - Add a few drops to warm water, then water your indoor or outdoor plants. The Basic H2 solution will make the ground soluble to the water, thus making your plants much healthier than with regular water.
Toothpaste - Add a drop or two to your toothbrush, right on top of your normal dab of toothpaste. Watch as your teeth become whiter and your gums healthier. Your breath may even stay fresh longer, as Basic H fights germs of all sorts.
Glove  Before you start a dirty job or before gardening, pour a few drops directly onto your hands. Rub them together to coat both hands. After you are done cleaning, wash your hands to find that dirt, scum, smell and overall ickiness are nowhere to be found.
Pesticide -  Dilute your Basic H2 to a couple of drops per spray-bottle, then spritz your plants as part of your regular routine. Not only will the bugs stay away but you might also find that they are bigger and healthier, as well.
Produce wash – Just 1/8tsp. added to a pint of water will make an effective and safe wash for your produce. Grit and dirt on leafy vegetables are easily removed, and you no longer have to worry about a funny taste remaining on the produce.
Diaper wash - Coupled with 1/2 tsp of Shaklee Basic G (a germicide), 1/4 tsp of Basic H2 can remove germs and odors from your cloth diapers. Leave a bit in your diaper pail to prevent odors there, as well.
Windshield Wash/Rain repellent - Pour 3 1/2 tsp of Basic H2 into one quart of water, and use it as your windshield wash. Rain and slush will easily wipe away from your windshield, and bugs will slide away, as well.

Are regular cleaning products really that bad for us???

"Begin by thinking of your home as a toxic waste dump. The average home today contains 62 toxic chemicals — more than a chemistry lab at the turn of the century. More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced since WW II. Less than 2%of synthetic chemicals have been tested for toxicity, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, or birth defects. The majority of chemicals have never been tested for long-term effects." The effect of chemicals in our homes is probably worse than we realize. Check out some of these statistics:
  • There has been a 26%increase in breast cancer since 1982. Breast cancer is the Number ONE killer of women between the ages of 35 and 54. Primary suspects are laundry detergents, household cleaners and pesticides.
  • Since 1980, asthma has increased by 600%. The Canadian Lung Association and the Asthma Society of Canada identify common household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers.
  • ADD/ADHD is epidemic in schools today. Behavioral problems have long been linked to exposure to toxic chemicals and molds.
  • Chemicals are attracted to, and stored in fatty tissue. The brain is a prime target for these destructive organics because of its high fat content and very rich blood supply.
  • Chemical and environmental sensitivities are known to cause all types of headaches.
  •  Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, circulatory disorders, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and hormonal problems are diseases commonly related to chemical exposure.
  • The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has found more than 2500 chemicals in cosmetics that are toxic, cause tumors, reproductive complications, biological mutations and skin and eye irritations.
  • Chemicals in Household Products There are more than 3 million poisonings every year. Household cleaners are the Number ONE cause of poisoning of children. The top three culprits according to Poison Control: Household cleaners, bleach and medications.
  • Formaldehyde is one of the largest indoor pollutants in our homes. Symptoms caused by formaldehyde are allergies, cancer, immune system failings, and asthma. Products containing Formaldehyde include: antiperspirants , mouthwash, toothpaste, Tupperware, permanent press clothing, floor waxes, furniture polishes, baggies, coffee, wax paper, and paper money.
  • Phenols are a major indoor pollutant. Phenols are absorbed by lungs, and skin. Symptoms include caustic burns, kidney and liver damage and hyperactivity. Products containing Phenols include: acne medications, baking powder, computers, TV sets, mouthwash, sugar substitutes, and wallpaper.
  • Trusted Brands - Do you think the major products are safe? WRONG! Lysol© is even more dangerous than we thought. It contains phenols and dioxin (Agent Orange).
  • Bleach must be safe because people have been using it for years, right? WRONG! When using bleach, antiseptics or chlorine in industrial areas, OSHA requires you to wear impervious protective clothing, hard hats, boots, gloves, apron or coveralls, chemical goggles or full face shield and use only in well ventilated areas. There has been a call from the U.S. / Canadian Commission to ban bleach in North America . Bleach is being linked to the rising rates of breast cancer in women, reproductive problems in men and learning and behavioral problems in children.
  • NTAs were banned in 1970. Lobbying by Proctor & Gamble in 1980 put them back into home products although they are extremely cancer causing. What are they for? ONLY to make more suds in detergents to make you think your clothes are getting cleaner.
  • In the USA the #1 cause of accidental poisoning is Dawn Dishwashing Detergent©. WHY? Because it is the #1 seller. Tide contains Lye and is the #1 polluter. It is also the #1 seller.
  • Deep Woods and Off have an ingredient called DEET. DEET causes seizures in children and adults.
(these numbers are taken from the flyer "Is your home healthy.") 

Personally, I'm making a switch to non-toxic Shaklee products in my home. I don't want my kids exposed to them any more than is necessary. 


Did I lose you yet??? Couple all these uses with the fact that a 16oz  bottle of Basic H2 costs $12.15 retail and makes 48 gallons (YES, GALLONS) of all-purpose cleaner, and I'm really in love. It takes 1/4 of a tsp mixed in 16oz water to make all-purpose cleaner. And only 2 drops are needed to make 16oz window cleaner. 

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. Check it out.  These products come with the Shaklee 100% triple guarantee. If you don't like it, you get your money back. Period. You have nothing to lose, except maybe toxins in your home. You can find it here:

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Healthy Pregnancy

These are some of my favorite products for a healthy pregnancy and beyond.

     A healthy baby and healthy mommy are the goals during pregnancy. The best way to accomplish this is to give the mom all the tools that she needs to maintain a healthy body so that she can provide her baby with optimum nutrition. We want to begin with simple building blocks: a great prenatal vitamin. Vitalea is the best prenatal vitamin you can find, and at $10 per month, it is actually more economical than most prescription prenatals. Vitalizer of course contains vitalea, and is your best choice for all of your body's needs during pregnancy. If you are on a budget, at a minimum, use:
Vitalea with iron, and if possible add in
B complex (for extra folic acid) 
OmegaGuard (for DHA ).

Another building block would be 180 shakes. These are great for a simple, fast, super healthy breakfast.  Similar options would be to add in the Soy Protein or Meal Shakes, although the Soy Protein would be in addition to breakfast, not a replacement. The protein needs during pregnancy are so high, that it is hard to get as much as you need unless you are supplementing.

Additional options would be to add:
Optiflora (a probiotic for a healthy intestinal tract and immune system),
Osteomatrix (added calcium),
VitaD (most breastfed babies are low in vitamin D),
VitaC (to help boost your immune system and help prevent stretch marks),
Stomach Soothing complex and EZ gest (if nausea or indigestion are issues). The Stomach soothing complex can be crushed and made into a tea to sip throughout the day to calm the stomach.

After the baby is born and if breastfeeding is an option for mom and baby, you would use a similar program:

Vitalizer or simply Vitalea (with iron)

Osteomatrix (for extra calcium)
Lecithin (helpful with plugged milk ducts)
Alfalfa (will increase milk supply and also acts as a natural decongestant)
Optiflora (a probiotic for a healthy intestinal tract and immune system)
180 Shakes (to get enough protein and also quick healthy meals for a busy new mom)
 Clean water filtering pitcher (as mom needs plenty of water to keep up a healthy milk supply)

A helpful webinar to watch, from which most of these recommendations are taken, is "Pregnancy Plan for Happy Healthy Moms and Babies," found here:

For help finding any of these products, use the "Contact Me" button on my website ( and I would be happy to help you!

I finally did it.

I finally did it. I broke down, and did it. I started a blog. I didn't think I was the blog type of person, but now that I have a Shaklee business, I thought this would be a great way to share fun stories, products, information, recipes, and whatever else is keeping me busy: like my three boys. Or my garden. Or canning. Or church. Etc. So here we go. Feel free to comment, laugh at, and encourage me along the way as I learn the ins and outs of blogging and running a business from home. Hang on for the ride! I know I am.