Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My Shaklee Story

     I just wanted to take a minute to share my story: why I started using Shaklee products. We are pretty much a normal American family. We try to eat in a healthful way. Our family used to tease us about our ultra-healthy diet (although I've always felt that we have room for improvement).  So I'm not sure how we got to this point. How did our immune systems get so run down? Don't get me wrong. We weren't struggling with life and death stuff that so many others struggle with. We just started getting sick. And not getting better. I came down with a cold in October, and from October to March, we were literally sick almost constantly. I fought that cold for a week or so, and then it went into a sinus infection. I struggled with the sinus infection for a few weeks and finally went to the doctor for an antibiotic (I mean, who really wants to take three boys 5 and under to a doctor's office when they're not feeling well???). I felt better after the antibiotic for maybe a whole week. And the cycle continued. Again. And. Again. Except the boys were getting colds, and ear infections, and pink eye, and strep throat, and the flu, and the stomach bug that wouldn't die (we seriously passed this thing around for 6 weeks). Finally I decided that I was done. Something had to change. This wasn't normal.

     Then I saw on Facebook that my sister-in-law was selling Shaklee. I was at least vaguely familiar with Shaklee. My parents used some of the products while I was in high school, maybe early college? I knew they were really good products, and I thought maybe they could help us. The more I learned, the more convinced I was that they would work. So we started around the beginning of March, and then slowly added more products to help with different areas we were struggling with: mainly immune systems and allergies. We still kept getting sick, and I thought, "what a testimonial we are! We're taking Shaklee products and we're still sick!" But then I realized, if we were still sick, it was confirmation that the Shaklee products were just what we needed to break the cycle.

     I decided that we were in it for the long haul. We didn't destroy our immune systems overnight, so we wouldn't be able to fix them overnight either. I was going to give our bodies the tools they needed to heal and grow stronger, so that the next time we got hit with a bug, it might last 3-4 days instead of 3-4 weeks. And that's what we're doing. Day by day, hour by hour, we're growing stronger. I noticed that when I caught a cold, it lasted for 2-3 weeks, BUT I got over it ON MY OWN without an antibiotic (it's the little things that make me happy). The boys seem to be getting stronger. Allergies have diminished. I took myself off my allergy medicine. My energy level came up. I no longer felt the need to take a nap each day while the boys were napping, and I wasn't about to fall asleep all morning and afternoon each and every day.

     Now, we still have room for improvement. The real test will be this fall when school starts again and we get exposed to every bug possible, but I feel like we are getting better.

     Oh, and somewhere along the way, I decided that I'd like to start getting our family's products for free, and eventually be able to pay for some products for a family member struggling with Parkinson's. That family member has only been taking Shaklee products for a month now, but I saw them briefly the other day and it seemed like the light had turned on for a moment in their smile instead of the mask-like expression Parkinson's patients wear.

     So if I can help our family with these products, I can help others too. We can't be the only people struggling with issues like these. I'm not a doctor, and I don't diagnose, and these products aren't supposed to "treat" health problems, but they should help give our bodies the tools they need to heal. Our society is so focused on putting a band-aid on a problem, that it rarely seeks to fix the root of the problem. Shaklee is about prevention. "If you prevent it, you don't have to treat it." Our family is making a shift in this area. It's a big step, but in the long run, I think we will come out ahead. So I adopted as my little tagline on my website, "Address the problem, not just the symptoms." What needs to change in your life? Are you just putting on a band-aid, or are you focusing on the core problem? Feel free to join me along the way on our path to whole life wellness.

Check out this short video to see the Shaklee Difference:

The Shaklee Difference

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