Friday, July 4, 2014

Refrigerator Oatmeal: My Version

     Everyone's seen it. Amazing pictures of oatmeal in a 1/2 pint jar with pretty little berries sprinkled on top. They're all over pinterest, with about as many varieties as you can imagine. I tried the 1/2 pint jars, and actually found the cute little white lids at Wal-Mart (regular mouth) and wide-mouth on Amazon. I really do love the little lids. Anyway, the oatmeal tasted great and my boys love it. The only problem? I wasn't full after finishing my cute little jar of oatmeal. I tried doubling the recipes and using a pint jar. That ended up being a little bit too much. And as convenient as a single serving size in a jar is, it's not practical for our family of 5. Sooo, I adapted the recipes to our tastes and enlarged it. My favorite is raspberry. Ryan LOVES blueberry. During the school year I would make it every other week or so and he thought I was the best mommy ever. So here's my version (very simplified compared to the others on pinterest, but it works for us).

Gather your ingredients

Dump in the jar and shake (I couldn't wait to dig in; the recipe makes more than this, but this is the next morning after I ate some of it).


Refrigerator Oatmeal

1 1/2 cups yogurt (I use vanilla flavored and don't need to add a sweetener - you may want to add a scoop of fruit jam if you opt for plain)

2 - 2 1/2 cups milk (depends what consistency you prefer)

3T ground flax seeds

2 1/2 cups oats (uncooked) (we use instant, I believe it works fine with old-fashioned - I'm not sure if steel cut oats would work for this - let me know if you try it)

fruit of your choice (we use frozen)

Dump the yogurt, milk, flax, and oats in a large container (I use a 2qt canning jar). Make sure the lid is secure and shake well. Add your fruit and shake one last time. Refrigerate overnight and enjoy in the morning. We eat this cold, but I'm sure you could heat it if you desired. It also keeps for several days in the fridge.
Serves 4-5

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